Tuesday 1 November 2011

Why Chiropractic Adjustment is the Ultimate Tune-up for your nervous system!

Remember this.. health is simple if not easy. It is disease that may become complicated. Cellular biologist Bruce Lipton reminds us that 5% or less of humans are burdened with congenital genetic mutations - which means the vast majority of us are living with the absolute possibility of experiencing true health and wellbeing.
So why don't we? Once again, the answer for this majority of us is not complicated.
The basic forms of care are only three and include: self care, health care and crisis care.
They are self-explanatory really when you think about each type.

Being a chiropractor, my speciality is the optimization of my patient's central nervous system through the detection and reduction of SUBLUXATION. Subluxation is a neural-spinal condition which compromises the body's communication via its central nervous system. The specific adjustment is the unique chiropractic skill used for the sole purpose optimizing neural health in the people who use chiropractic care as a regular component of their 'health care' arsenal.

To more deeply understand how a dysfunctional spinal system can disturb the nerves, think of a stringed instrument like a guitar. The strings run from the body out along a fretboard to connect at the neck. Each one is tuned to a 'tone' or note. A player exerts pressure on the string altering the vibratory tone  of the strings to make music. Your spinal cord is attached at point between the upper spine, skull and the sacrum. Each of us faces daily stressors of three types; physical, chemical and metaphysical (emotional). This repetitive onslaught of challenges results in misalignments of the core structures of the spine,,, affecting the intimate relationship to the delicate nerves as mentioned above in this newsletter. Spinal subluxation is similar to the change in the vibratory rate of a guitar string as it is compressed digitally.  Because our nervous system controls and regulates all the body's functions the health implications of subluxation are massive and significant.

An adjustment is indeed the ultimate 'tune-up' because when performed on an ongoing basis to a health person, unecessary buildup of noxious effects of these contant stressors is defused allowing the body to communicate and function properly. Regular spinal checkups are necessary thoughout life to ensure optimal health in human beings of all ages.

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