Tuesday 15 November 2011

How Is The Spine Like A Guitar?

When chiropractic was first explained to me I knew that its principle was sound.
The principle to which I'm referring is LIFE itself.

The first chiropractor said..."Life is the expression of TONE".

What is tone?
Simply put tone is VIBRATION.
So it would be true to extrapolate that 'Life is the expression of vibration.'

To understand this better, think of the guitar mentioned above.
A guitar's strings vibrate when played.
The tone of the vibration is expressed through the wood of the instrument.

As a chiropractor who also plays a guitar, I know that to make music I must adjust
the vibration of the strings by applying pressure along the instrument's neck.

As a guitar player who also practices chiropractic, I know that to assist my patients to make the music of their lives, I must adjust the vibration of their spinal nerves by applying pressure along along the instrument's neck.

"There is a Universal Intelligence (vibrating) in all living things which is constantly and continuously sharing its qualities and actions with the instrument, thereby expressing through it as Life." ...(Chiropractic Premise)

True health and healing relates to this principle of  invisible Intelligence vibrating into visible life expression. What, how or why a human being chooses to believe, think, say, do or eat is entirely secondary to the Truth of this basic principle. (chiropractic's purpose and practice is entirely unique.)

For a human being to experience the true value of their life unique potential ;the fundamental vibration of what they are must be expressed in the key of their authentic TONE.

This is the chiropractic meaning of Life and the individuals journey to know TRUE HEALTH.
When a guitar is abused or ignored, it's music is painful to the ear.
When a spine is abused or ignored, it's music is destructive to the totality of the human instrument and therefore threatens the species as a whole.
"Get the Big Idea and all elso follows."...B.J. Palmer, the developer of the chiropractic profession.
Both the spine and a guitar are best played when IN TUNE.

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