Sunday 14 August 2011

Summer 2011- Family Health Check

Here's the thing - health is like anything in life... this what we put in determines the value of what we get back out!
I saw an excellent video today. Tony Robbins was speaking on the topic of what it takes to take our lives to the next level. One point was that we don't need a reason to feel and to be happy. The proof of this he offered was this: It isn't uncommon to hear someone say that they're not having the best day and the reason for this is "I woke up this way"...So if its possible to feel bad without any true reason; well then the reverse must also be true, we are desinge so we can feel awesome for no particular reason! Does this seem weird to you? How about the related thought that we are born to feel excited and to be happy and creative...and all for no reason. The behaviours we have learned that have the power to convince us otherwise are no more than bad habits we've adopted for no reason other than we believed something we've been told along the way by our parents, peers, teachers and preachers and anyone else we allowed ourselves to be exposed to.
The purpose of our Summer Family Health Check is to demonstrate to you how your family can enjoy unbelievable health just by not messing up a good thing. Your body comes with all the standard equipment needed to create the like of your dreams. Well, are you creating a life with enough pull to over come the untruths and misinformation you have been sold about your family's health and wellbeing. Doesn't this sound appealing to you. I hope so!
Visit our website and set up your Health Check and I'll show you how it works when you make up your own reason for living. See you next time.

Bob Pike...Unreal DC...Doctor of Cause for your Health and Wellbeing

ps: I know I promised to review how chiropractors help keep children in optimal health as they grow through the various stages of their lives...stay tuned!

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