Thursday 23 May 2013

Myth Busters Column Exclusive! 

A new person came to us today for help. After I had fully explained the difference between lifetime spinal health and specific upper spine adjustment to correct spinal subluxation caused by the head's misalignment with the upper two vertebrae; he seemed to have a question to ask. Ask me anything i said.
" I've heard that once I start chiropractic care, I will have to keep coming for ever..Its that true"? Glad you brought it up" I replied. Here's the thing. We are all taught by the medical model of sickness care we live in that you don't go to a doctor unless you have something wrong"...(I call this conditioning or brainwashing.) "It this model, of course it make no sense to develop the habit of well care checkups. True health care exists on a totally different level. I'll explain what this means...
"Our approach here at Pike Chiropractic is that we provide lifetime access to true health care...the gentle essential regular checkups of the spine for buildup of stressors each day as life's challenges impact us". But be clear that I work for you. You hire and fire me whenever you choose. You have the option to enjoy the astounding benefits of chiropractic health care for as long as you choose. It is always up to you. We are never guessing about the state of your nervous system with our subluxation station. You will always know where you stand and our care plans include unlimited access to the proof the scanner provides." You concern about "having to keep coming in" is a myth that the truth of health care BUSTS WIDE OPEN"!

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