Thursday, 19 January 2012

Back to Basics...Chiropractic's First Principle-The Basic Premise

Happy New Year! This year, one of our primary goals is to educate our community about the basic Philosophy of the chiropractic profession. Our January Newsletter's theme-Back To Basics contained the first of the 33 Principles. These ideas will help you to understand the simple Truth the chiropractic profession is based upon.

The first principle is our BASIC PREMISE. Let's look at it.

Principle #1: The Major Premise. There is a Universal Intelligence in all matter, continuously giving to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining matter in existence, and giving this Intelligence its
method of expression.

Please note..(It is essential, when learning about a concept that is new to us, to drop attachment to ideas we may be used to holding. After all we can always pick them back up after properly considering the new idea right?
There is considerable confusion about the concept of what health. The reason chiropractic is so contraversial is because it is a new concept that redefines and clarifies what health is and where it comes from). Ready?

Universal Intelligence (UI), is just what it sounds like. It is a BIG IDEA that relates to all of the physical matter in the universe including your body. For this to be true, UI must also be present inside every one of the 50 to 70 trillion cells in your body. In chiropractic we acknowledge this fact by naming the individualized aspect of UI...Innate (inborn) Intelligence (II). In this chiropractic concept of  health, there is nothing else in the universe besides UI. It is an energy and being energy; can and does change states. But this fact doesn't make any of these various states different than or separate from their source energy-UI.

Now please read that paragraph again two more times.
For invisible UI to give or share its properties and actions with visible physical matter is significant oncept of health.

After all, here on Earth, it is because of the physical, that UI can move and without UI the physical cells there wouldn't be anything to express! (Better re-read that one too ;)

So there you have it. The Chiropractic meaning of Health is the full expression of Source Energy through organized matter of its own design. Life is the word we have to describe the special relationship between Intelligence and matter. The full release of Intelligent Being through the human matter is called a Human Being.

Disease is about changes in state caused by incomplete expression. Chiropractic adjustment removes the disturbances to allow for a more complete expression.
Thanks for visiting and see you next month.