Thursday, 30 June 2011

"That Something" A Full Functioning CNS Creates!

How do we understand HEALING?  Would it be accurate to say that healing includes everything which needs to happen at the same time, all the time, for a life time in order to Live fully? How about describing LIFESTYLE? 

Thursday, 2 June 2011

I Love Thinking About This Stuff!

We live on a living planet...the dominant theme here is LIFE.
Health has to be about increasing access by the forces of Life Expressing through its vehicle.
What the hell does that mean?

In the last blog I stated that Chiropractic is a BIG idea.
I don't really care what we call the idea.
Chiropractic schmiropractic.
It's about the invisible becoming visible HERE & NOW.
Big enough??
Why can't we fully perceive the invisible until it manifests?
Is our brain set that way for a reason?
The best way for human beings to appreciate the science behind the Life Principle is...
by observing conception and the process of gestation as a human form
is created by the forces determined to express through this awesome form.
What the hell does that mean?

Why do so many of us use these capacities to doubt the magnitude and meaning of what is BEING HERE & NOW.
It's not about any particular religion...There are many.
It's not about any scientific method...There are many ways of seeing and measuring the one and the many.
It is about what is noticing all this and why.
See you next time.
Thanks for spending the time here and now.
I appreciate it.

Dr. Bob Pike

Next time we get into the physics of life expression as a function of whole health